
I'm back. Looking forward to connecting with many of you. However, I'm not sure if Father would have me continue this next chapter here or write a new one. Either way, I hope you will journey with me into the next phase with Jesus Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Woman of Noble Character Recognizes Her Beauty Through God’s Eyes

“You are altogether beautiful, my darling, and there is no blemish in you (NASB)…You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes with one jewel of your necklace (NIV)” – Song of Songs 4:7, 9

Previously, I’ve mentioned that God calls us “darling…my beautiful one.” That God valued us. He cares about us. He loves us. Thus, a woman of noble character recognizes her worth: she knows that she is worthy, she is valuable and she is His masterpiece. Today, I want to go into dept on God’s view of her beauty. He says, “You are altogether beautiful, my darling, and there is no blemish in you.” Not only are you beautiful, but “… there is no blemish in you.” A woman of noble character recognizes that God’s view of her beauty is much more important and worthy.

A woman of noble character understands that in God’s eyes, she is perfect. He created her in His own image. He is the potter and she is the clay. He chose to put a certain formula into the creation of her. And, when He finished, He said it is good. She’s good. He loves her just the way she is. He sees no blemish. He’s very pleased with her. He put that mole there for His enjoyment. The freckles on her face are there for His enjoyment. Whatever she doesn’t like about herself, He put it there for His enjoyment. And, if she is displeased with any part of her, He is sad because in His eyes, “there is no blemish in you.” He sees her as altogether beautiful. A woman of noble character recognizes that she is altogether beautiful without any blemish.

A woman of noble character recognizes that her glance steals the heart of God. “You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes.” A woman of noble character recognizes that when she looks up to God, He is pleased. In the New American Standard Bible, it says “you made my heart beat faster”. She gave Him a glance and His heart skips, beats, or is stolen.

This reminds me of the time when we were teaching little Elizabeth how to kiss. We would point to our cheek and repeat the word “kiss”. And when she finally recognized our instruction and followed, we were all so happy. We laughed, we clapped our hands, and tried to make her repeat the process. Just as we were happy to see Elizabeth’s kiss, so God’s heart leaps for joy when we glance at Him because He sees no blemish in us, but beauty. He enjoys our beauty-His creation. He enjoys, even our glances.

A woman of noble character glorifies His name forever with the satisfaction of her own being. She’s happy with the way she looks, the way she talks, and the talents she has. Her only desire is to gaze upon God’s love and beauty and to make His heart jump for joy because He has captured her glance and still sees no blemish.

Father God, thank You so much for the love You’ve faithfully demonstrated to us. Thank You for seeing us more than we see ourselves. Help me to see myself as precious, beautiful and without blemish; to enjoy the true beauty You’ve created in me. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


Van said...

Hi - I met you on Marybeth's blog so I ventured on over to visit you because I am intrigued with your quillow. If you visit my blog you will read about family traditions. ONe of mine is to set out throws and pillows in the living room for "Christmas gazing." Also, thanks for the thought - A woman of noble character captures her enemies - we battle with many. The thought that we capture them empowers me to remind myself when they surface -"I captured that one!" Don't forget to blog about how to make that quillow!! Thanks!

MrsProverbs31 said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, the enemies are all around us. I'm glad you captured that one. I will, once I figure out how to write out the directions. Visit often so you will not miss the directions.