
I'm back. Looking forward to connecting with many of you. However, I'm not sure if Father would have me continue this next chapter here or write a new one. Either way, I hope you will journey with me into the next phase with Jesus Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Things Mothers Do

Have you ever wonder what other mothers do on a daily basis? What do they do all day long? All night long?

Let me share with you a few happenings of mine and I hope to hear yours:

For weeks now, my son has been asking to go to his cousin's house to play. I didn't want him to go and impose on his aunt and uncle's busy schedules, so the answer was always no-until yesterday, that is. I finally caved in and let him go because my two oldest were going to have their youth family night and since we didn't want to drive home after our afternoon service, we decided to stay at church until their meeting. So, my husband and I agreed that he could go home with his uncle and we'll pick him up later. What I discovered when we picked him up was he got burned from his grandmother's hot chicken soup liquid. Doctor said it is between first and second degree and patched his burn with bandaid. So, instead of picking weeds out of my garden, I spent my morning taking him to the doctor.

Oh yes, instead of taking two children to the doctor, I ended up with a third-my nephew. His mother was in training for her first day on the job, so she asked me to watch him for the morning. Well, I should have asked his mother to leave his carseat with me. I ended up using my daughter's for him, and well, it was kind of small, but I didn't have time to adjust his straps because I was running late for the appointment. The poor child had to travel to the doctor's office in a tight strap carseat. Then, the doctor took longer than usual and we were a little late getting back in time for his mother to pick him up. So, we rushed and he had to travel back with a tight strap carseat. She picked him up and I have not fed him yet. What a babysitter! I don't let children leave my house without being fed under normal circumstances. But this morning was a little hectic.

More about last night. Yesterday at the grocery store, my daughter gently tugged my shirt reminding me that she needed a snack for school. I told her to trust her mother's motherly instincts. Needless to say, her instincts failed and she forgot her daughter's snack. As I sent her to bed, she said, "but mom, what about my snack?" Ooops! I promised her that I would do something about it and when she wakes up in the morning she would have snack for school. Well, when she went to bed, I sat there looking from cupboard to cupboard for ideas to make fast and easy snacks, avoiding the baking cookies.

I went through this particular cupboard with a box of cereal, a box of ice cream cones, and a container with tiny little marshmellows. Guess what I did? That's right. This adventurous mother decided she would make crispy cornflakes in the cone. The problem was she put too much butter and not enough marshmellow so she sat there and stared at the cone filled with marshed crispy cornflakes wondering when it would cool down enough to test it's edibility. She feels kind of bad and afraid that it would not be good and her child would be upset in the morning, so she proceeded to make cookies-soft sugar cookies. Yes, she stayed up and mixed all the ingredients together and chilled the dough over night. She woke up early this morning to bake her child's snack so she wouldn't be the only child without a snack during snack time. What kind of mother would leave her child snackless? Definitely, not this one.

What does a mother with a princess who decides to eat applesauce with her finger do? Her face covered with applesauce. She walked in, looked herself in the mirror and left. As she was walking by, I noticed her smacking her lips together, I looked at her and scooped her in with my right hand, and wow! Applesauce.

My eight year-old is begging for a cellphone and a mp3 player. He thinks I'm growing money out of my ears. He's humming at me.

Well, I can go on and on, but I think you get the gist of what I deal with daily. I used to pray for a large family...I had no idea God has a sense of humor and would provide me with more children than I planned. LOL. Pride and Joy, they are. Please, share a few of your happenings with me. I love to hear what you do everyday.


On Purpose said...

Thats why we get paid the bigbucks right? Hehe!

Van said...

Thanks for the warm memories. I spend my days remembering- need a snack today, pick up the friend this afternoon, don't forget the doctor's appt. I just cannot believe 26 years of child rearing are gone! But what do I fill my days with? Blogging, planning girls' leadership events (a new venture), visiting friends, wroking at church... you get the picture. Life is always full!

Shonda said...

Oh those sacrifices! i have to remind myself that I do all I do as unto the Lord. I have to tell myself very frequently. I've worked in the corporate world. I've served in the armed forces. I've worked for the federal government. But being a mother is the toughest job I've ever had and still have. As moms we have to hold on to Jesus as the other options arent as appealing. Hold on to Jesus. Let's grab ahold of HIM together my sister.

Engrafted by His Grace-