
I'm back. Looking forward to connecting with many of you. However, I'm not sure if Father would have me continue this next chapter here or write a new one. Either way, I hope you will journey with me into the next phase with Jesus Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Lately, there have been many fears stirring up through the media. The increase of gas prices, the increase of grocery prices, the sky rocketing interest rates of credit cards (they creep up on you like roaches-you don’t know where they rest during the day, but they sure know how to find you at night), and the foreclosures. And, America is destined to make political history this year. I never watched politic conventions before, but because of this year’s history making politics, I’ve been following the presidential candidates. It mesmerized and gravitated me toward fear: fear of financial burdens; fear of who is going to sit at the White house chair; fear of uncertainties, and fear of losing my house and my loved ones. Fear.

Fear drove me to worry and confusion. I know I shouldn’t worry. And, I know God is in control so I shouldn’t be confused because God is the God of clarity. The God of vision. The God of surety. The God of supreme authority. The God of all good things. If all good things come from the Lord, then where do all bad things come from? I sat and contemplate my situation. I dreamed about my situation. And I lost focus.

I began to wonder what others are thinking. Surely, other people don’t have the problems that I have. Or do they? The media pictures are full of black holes-everything is uncertain: not even the direction of Ike. How hard would Ike hit if it hits our southern borders? All the oil companies shut down. Gas prices jumped overnight. Earlier, when my husband called to tell me to go and fill up the cars with gas, I was at the pump and there were lines of cars. There was one lady waiting behind me, then she decided I took too long so she thought there was an open pump and drove over, but then she los the spot there. She swerved back to wait for me, only this time she was in front of me. As I was pulling my car forward, there was a van behind me and she started to yell at the driver that she was there first. You move you lose, I thought, wait a minute, that’s not very nice. We’ve heard a lot about road rage, but now we have gas pump rage. Fear.

So, I guess I was not the only one afraid of uncertainties-and I didn’t even know I was afraid. I was not sure of this feeling of not wanting to do anything-until I read Tracy’s blog. Tracy was talking about worry. It finally dawned on me that I was simply afraid of the wrong things and persons.

God instructed us not to be afraid of anything that can kill the body but cannot do anything afterwards. Rather, we should fear the Lord our God. He promised us He would take care of us if we fear (honor, respect, and reverence) Him. Isaiah 33:6 says, “He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.” In Him, I have salvation. In Him, I have knowledge. In Him I have wisdom. And if He is for me, who or what can be against me? The condition or the price I pay is reverence, fear God. All I have to do is acknowledge that He is the Sovereign Lord. That’s my key to this treasure.

So, how can I show Him respect if I keep in constant fear of the earthly uncertainties? Things and people who could only kill my body and not my soul. Isaiah 54:14 says, “In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you.” I am made righteous by the blood of Christ. I am whole. I am complete in Him. I have nothing to fear.

God is still God no matter the circumstances of this world. God can change the circumstances. But, the circumstances cannot change God. Fear not, for God is with us.

Lord, God, thank You for Your grace and mercy over me. I am fearful of things and fail to acknowledge Your authority and presence. Forgive me. Instruct me in Your truth, whether I turn to the left or the right, let me hear Your voice saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Thank You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

1 comment:

Lelia Chealey said...

Thanks for coming by and visiting. So nice to hear from you.
I loved what you wrote here: God can change the circumstances. But, the circumstances cannot change God.

I really needed to read that today...thank you!