
I'm back. Looking forward to connecting with many of you. However, I'm not sure if Father would have me continue this next chapter here or write a new one. Either way, I hope you will journey with me into the next phase with Jesus Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Honoring God through True Ministry

“All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them” (Acts 9:39b)

As a teen, I’ve always wanted to be a missionary. But, when my mother disapproved of my going to a Christian college and going to the mission field, my dreamed quickly became dashed. I was disappointed. Nothing meant serving God except to become a missionary. I wanted to remain single so I can go to the Ivory Coast as a missionary. In fact, I took French all four years in high school and two years in college, but when my mother took the “drastic measures” to stop me, I quickly resent all services as possible avenues to glorify God.

Yes, I know that is quite sad.

But as I grew older, I’ve come to realize that true ministry doesn’t have to come in big ways. It doesn’t even have to be recognized by any human beings. True ministry comes from the heart. True ministry can be as simple as:

Collecting can goods for charities.
Driving someone to the store, doctor, or to visit a relative.
Raising a family.
Cooking meals for families in crisis
Visiting someone in the hospital

These are just some samples. There are dozens upon dozens of ministry around your own neighborhood. I know of a couple who would loan their cars to members of the church who may have car difficulties. They also loan mattresses-the people may use them as long as needed, but when they don’t need it, this couple would take them back, put them in their attic until someone else needs it.

Another couple takes under-privileged children out for entertainments. Sometimes, they take them to their house and order pizza. Sometimes, they take them to YMCA, or the movies. But, they’re always taking someone’s child some place.

Another lady in our church hosts baby showers at her house for women from work and church alike.

The above may not be possible for you to do right now, but what about a smile? I remember one day I went to the grocery store. I was feeling pretty crummy, but the cashier made me so happy by just smiling and carrying on with a cheerful look. I wanted to ask her why she was so happy, but I thought I knew the answer so I didn’t ask. Then, later I found out that her son had been at the hospital. She was working two jobs and going to nursing school just to keep her son well-cared for. Yet, she remained cheerful and passed on that smile you cannot resist to reciprocate.

Having seen all of these different ministries, I’ve come to realize that there’s only one size for ministry-love. If I have love for God, I’ll want to do anything that pleases God. It wouldn’t matter whether anyone recognizes it. But, if I do it from the heart, people will recognize it. Who knows, maybe people will even miss me when I die-just like those widows missed Dorcas. Perhaps, I’ll hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”


Pamela (His maidservant) said...

I do believe true ministry comes from th heart and God tends to call the unlikely and make them perfect for it! As we have heard so many times, 'He uses the unusable!'-Thank God! And even if clutter gets in the way-or people-His timing is perfect. Don't you agree? What an amazing God we serve!!
It was goo to hear from you again. Have a blessed weekend!!
In His Graces~Pamela

Shonda said...

Very good post. The Lord has shown me much lately about how I can serve HIM where I am physically located (which I thought was the at the edge of the world, but actually it's the border of Texas/Mexico). So much ministry opportunity here. So many like you listed. I want God as my reward and not the recognition of men. God moves us to where He wants us. I consider it privilege to serve HIM where I am at, for I'm one of the least likely. Your beautiful heart shines through your posts.

Blessings in Christ--