
I'm back. Looking forward to connecting with many of you. However, I'm not sure if Father would have me continue this next chapter here or write a new one. Either way, I hope you will journey with me into the next phase with Jesus Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine Dedications: Hubby

This is my hubby. He likes to indulge the children. They sure do a lot together. My children used to tell me to go work so daddy can come to stay with them. Daddy is more fun. Daddy takes them places. Mommy just stays home.

He loves football-to watch, of course. In fact, that used to be the problem between us. I hated football seasons: I couldn't get him to do anything.
He also likes to fish-both man and fish. He's collected enough Bibles and leadership books to have a library (I wish I had a camera to take pictures of his bookshelves).

He pastored a church for two years before we were married. He decided he needed a sidekick for this job. He brought me to a cozy one bedroom apartment. He gave my piano away-that was a red flag. Of course, he won, but I held on to the grudge. He gave me the check book-no complain there. Actually, I wish he would have kept that.

I don't think we're romantic as a couple. All his relatives think we are a romantic couple. I think they're all out of wack. He doesn't buy me flowers, presents or gifts of any kind. He doesn't take me out to eat unless I pay for it (remember I keep the checkbook). We don't have anything in common except our love for Jesus: He likes to collect books, I like to read them. He likes to fish, I actually catch them (fish, not man). He likes to watch tv, I like to keep busy. He likes to go out, I like to stay home. He likes football, I like gardening. He plays soccor, soccor plays me. He likes nice pressed clothes, I like to dress in t-shirts and jeans. His socks actually match the outfits he wears. my socks are always white no matter what I wear.

But, we've been married for 14 years. Yep! He's a patient man. That's why he is my Valentine. God has been very good to us. There were times when I thought it would be the last time I put up with him. Then, there were times when he packed up to leave, but decided to stay. We're not a perfect couple or family. We have a lot of flaws. But, under God's grace and mercy, we are one. We stand together with the Lord as our strength.

******"None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory" (1 Corinthians 2:8).******

Yes, we don't understand how we last. We couldn't be any more different and yet God kept us together for His glory, His purpose in which He designed for us, yet to be revealed. I am thankful for my husband. His patience has taught me a great deal about God's love. He is my Valentine through and through. God bless you, Honey.

1 comment:

Tina Vega said...

Just stopping by to say hi! I love your idea for Valentine Dedications - just precious...