Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Not by Worth
I spent time with Him alone, asking Him to validate His choice. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t just me wanting all the prestige and honor of being His messenger. I made every excuse I could, then I said, “I know You can make the impossible possible, but I’m not sure I’m cut out for this ministry.” I was sure no one would listen to me or want to read what I wrote.
Then He took me to John 6:29, “Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” You see, I was not looking at His glory, I was looking at my inability. I was not focus on the task He designed for me, I was looking at my failures. I was not approaching His throne with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I was coming to Him with utter disappointments. He simply told me to believe in the Power of Christ. My job is not to ponder on what I can or cannot do, but to believe in Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit guide me.
This Christmas, I experience a new peace that passes all understanding. Yes, I am not worth it. I will never be worth it. Yes, I don’t have it. Yes, no one will listen to me on my own. But, yes He is able and willing. And, yes people will listen when I allow Him to use my mouth and my hands to carry His good News. Yes, all that is required of me is to believe. It is not by worth that He has called me to serve Him, it is by His grace and His choice. I am privileged to be a part of His kingdom work.
Dear God, thank You for loving me passionately to send Your SON to earth. Let all your daughters experience the power of believing in the ONE You sent. Let this Christmas be a reminder of the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ.
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Imperishable Seed
I noticed something peculiar about the seeds as I grinded the chili peppers. No matter how fine I grinded it, the seeds remained unbreakable. I’m sure if I put them in the ground they will grow. How unique, I thought.
This must be what apostle Peter talked about us being made from the imperishable seed, the Word of God. The Word is the seed, thus when we put the seed in us, it is indestructible. It lives in us and instructs us how to live like Christ.
Though there may be many trials and temptations that we may face, the Word of God remains changeless, just like the chili pepper seeds. This indestructible power within us is what will reproduce itself when planted in good grounds. The blender may mix us all around, tearing our physical being apart, but the seed in us lives on.
This is powerful, because this means that when God pronounces a promise for His children through His living Word, the promise germinates and grows. And whoever claims the promise-learn the word of God, memorize it until you can speak it in your regular conversations-will produce fruit.
The Lord is good. I am so glad to learn this simple and yet powerful lesson. I am emptying myself of my self-doubt and unbelief and fill myself with more of His words, the living seeds. God bless you.
Lord Jesus, I am in awe of Your mighty power. You are so good to me. Help me to believe in the power of Your living Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Come Let Us Sing Joy to the Lord
Last week, we witnessed one of the deadliest storms. Although, the citizens of Houston and Galveston were directly affected by this hurricane, it devastated people all over the USA: In just a matter of hours gas stations all over Columbia, South Carolina jumped record high. People along the coast are still unable to return home. Last night I was reading an article about Hurricane Ike and how authorities may have to order a mandatory evacuation for Galveston residence. Heart-wrenching decisions, yet it must take place for the safety of the people.
Hurricane Ike may have been strong and it killed 48 people, devastated many homes and cities, islands and businesses. But, when I closed my eyes, I saw God carrying the hurricane in His hand, carefully placing them in certain places. In doing so, many people were spared. They may have lost their earthly belongings, and we may have to pay higher gas prices, but God spared all who heeded the warnings.
This brings the story of Sodom and Gomorrah (I’m not claiming that Galveston or Houston sinned against God or did evil deeds-that’s not my point here) to my mind. When God was going to destroy them, He came to tell Abraham and he pleaded with God and Lot and his daughters were spared. When Hurricane Ike was far off the coast, God revealed it to meteorologist who warned people way ahead of time and those who took heed of the warnings left and their lives were spared. Not only that, but many prayed for mercy, and He quickly turned a category 3 hurricane to a category 2. God is indeed sovereign and merciful.
Though we may not see it as God’s love and mercy because of all the damages, much worst could have happened. It could have claimed more lives and Ike could have remained strong throughout all of the states that it touched, but it didn’t. God was merciful and He quieted the storm.
As a woman who desires to fear the Lord, I marvel at His authority and mercy. As we dig through our purses and cabinets to relieve some of the pains the victims experiences, I pray we will remember to praise our God who is the author of people, mountain, sea, and land. He is mighty, merciful and loving. He is our salvation. He is still in control. Let us lift our praises to Him. And, in due time, I believe He will restore the victims’ fortunes. God bless us all through this difficult time.
God, I praise You. You are worthy of glory, honor and praise. Though we may have the wrong focus and lose sight of You, You are faithful to save us. I pray for all the victims along the cost who were directly affected by Hurricane Ike. I pray You will bring joy, peace and happiness their way and You will restore their fortunes, for You are a compassionate God. I thank You for Your mercy and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Fear drove me to worry and confusion. I know I shouldn’t worry. And, I know God is in control so I shouldn’t be confused because God is the God of clarity. The God of vision. The God of surety. The God of supreme authority. The God of all good things. If all good things come from the Lord, then where do all bad things come from? I sat and contemplate my situation. I dreamed about my situation. And I lost focus.
I began to wonder what others are thinking. Surely, other people don’t have the problems that I have. Or do they? The media pictures are full of black holes-everything is uncertain: not even the direction of Ike. How hard would Ike hit if it hits our southern borders? All the oil companies shut down. Gas prices jumped overnight. Earlier, when my husband called to tell me to go and fill up the cars with gas, I was at the pump and there were lines of cars. There was one lady waiting behind me, then she decided I took too long so she thought there was an open pump and drove over, but then she los the spot there. She swerved back to wait for me, only this time she was in front of me. As I was pulling my car forward, there was a van behind me and she started to yell at the driver that she was there first. You move you lose, I thought, wait a minute, that’s not very nice. We’ve heard a lot about road rage, but now we have gas pump rage. Fear.
So, I guess I was not the only one afraid of uncertainties-and I didn’t even know I was afraid. I was not sure of this feeling of not wanting to do anything-until I read Tracy’s blog. Tracy was talking about worry. It finally dawned on me that I was simply afraid of the wrong things and persons.
God instructed us not to be afraid of anything that can kill the body but cannot do anything afterwards. Rather, we should fear the Lord our God. He promised us He would take care of us if we fear (honor, respect, and reverence) Him. Isaiah 33:6 says, “He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.” In Him, I have salvation. In Him, I have knowledge. In Him I have wisdom. And if He is for me, who or what can be against me? The condition or the price I pay is reverence, fear God. All I have to do is acknowledge that He is the Sovereign Lord. That’s my key to this treasure.
So, how can I show Him respect if I keep in constant fear of the earthly uncertainties? Things and people who could only kill my body and not my soul. Isaiah 54:14 says, “In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you.” I am made righteous by the blood of Christ. I am whole. I am complete in Him. I have nothing to fear.
God is still God no matter the circumstances of this world. God can change the circumstances. But, the circumstances cannot change God. Fear not, for God is with us.
Lord, God, thank You for Your grace and mercy over me. I am fearful of things and fail to acknowledge Your authority and presence. Forgive me. Instruct me in Your truth, whether I turn to the left or the right, let me hear Your voice saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Thank You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Things Mothers Do
Let me share with you a few happenings of mine and I hope to hear yours:
For weeks now, my son has been asking to go to his cousin's house to play. I didn't want him to go and impose on his aunt and uncle's busy schedules, so the answer was always no-until yesterday, that is. I finally caved in and let him go because my two oldest were going to have their youth family night and since we didn't want to drive home after our afternoon service, we decided to stay at church until their meeting. So, my husband and I agreed that he could go home with his uncle and we'll pick him up later. What I discovered when we picked him up was he got burned from his grandmother's hot chicken soup liquid. Doctor said it is between first and second degree and patched his burn with bandaid. So, instead of picking weeds out of my garden, I spent my morning taking him to the doctor.
Oh yes, instead of taking two children to the doctor, I ended up with a third-my nephew. His mother was in training for her first day on the job, so she asked me to watch him for the morning. Well, I should have asked his mother to leave his carseat with me. I ended up using my daughter's for him, and well, it was kind of small, but I didn't have time to adjust his straps because I was running late for the appointment. The poor child had to travel to the doctor's office in a tight strap carseat. Then, the doctor took longer than usual and we were a little late getting back in time for his mother to pick him up. So, we rushed and he had to travel back with a tight strap carseat. She picked him up and I have not fed him yet. What a babysitter! I don't let children leave my house without being fed under normal circumstances. But this morning was a little hectic.
More about last night. Yesterday at the grocery store, my daughter gently tugged my shirt reminding me that she needed a snack for school. I told her to trust her mother's motherly instincts. Needless to say, her instincts failed and she forgot her daughter's snack. As I sent her to bed, she said, "but mom, what about my snack?" Ooops! I promised her that I would do something about it and when she wakes up in the morning she would have snack for school. Well, when she went to bed, I sat there looking from cupboard to cupboard for ideas to make fast and easy snacks, avoiding the baking cookies.
I went through this particular cupboard with a box of cereal, a box of ice cream cones, and a container with tiny little marshmellows. Guess what I did? That's right. This adventurous mother decided she would make crispy cornflakes in the cone. The problem was she put too much butter and not enough marshmellow so she sat there and stared at the cone filled with marshed crispy cornflakes wondering when it would cool down enough to test it's edibility. She feels kind of bad and afraid that it would not be good and her child would be upset in the morning, so she proceeded to make cookies-soft sugar cookies. Yes, she stayed up and mixed all the ingredients together and chilled the dough over night. She woke up early this morning to bake her child's snack so she wouldn't be the only child without a snack during snack time. What kind of mother would leave her child snackless? Definitely, not this one.
What does a mother with a princess who decides to eat applesauce with her finger do? Her face covered with applesauce. She walked in, looked herself in the mirror and left. As she was walking by, I noticed her smacking her lips together, I looked at her and scooped her in with my right hand, and wow! Applesauce.
My eight year-old is begging for a cellphone and a mp3 player. He thinks I'm growing money out of my ears. He's humming at me.
Well, I can go on and on, but I think you get the gist of what I deal with daily. I used to pray for a large family...I had no idea God has a sense of humor and would provide me with more children than I planned. LOL. Pride and Joy, they are. Please, share a few of your happenings with me. I love to hear what you do everyday.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Lifehouse Everything Drama
My daughter just show me this. If you haven't seen it, it is worth watching. This is how we are distracted daily and taken away from our Father. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I Can Get Used to This
“I don’t see it” I said as I put the papers in my hand down on his desk.
“Oh, okay, are you a freshman?” he ask.
“Yes, she’s a freshman. She had her picture taken last year during the tour,” I answered.
“Okay, let me look quick,” he said looking at the role of id’s, “Oh, here it is,” he said as he handed me the lanyard and a blank ID with my daughter’s name on it. “You’re have to get in that line (pointing behind him) and take your pictures.”
I took the lanyard from him and wondered to myself, feeling kind of good because I’m mistaken for my daughter. To be almost 40 and be mistaken for my daughter of 14, feels pretty good. Don’t you think? Then, there I was after I’ve received my daughter’s books in my arms standing behind these two girls (I think they were sophomores), carying on their conversation as though I was one of the students. Boy! That just made my day.
As I was driving my daughter back to school this morning, I told her of the incident and she said, “That’s just sad.”
“What do you mean, sad? I felt good, because that meant that I looked young. When you’re almost 40 and mistaken for 14, that’s a good feeling,” I said while combing my hair back with one hand.
“Yeah, I know,” she chuckled, “it’s funny, when you’re young you want to be old and when you’re old you want to be young.”
What a true statement she made. We’ve never been satisfied with our ages. We always see the grass greener on the other side (well, that is until we get there). But, I don’t mind being mistaken for a high school student one bit. Whatever I was wearing must have covered my muffin top. No one seems to notice it. I don’t have a Biblical application. If you have one, post your application on the comment below. I am interested to hear how y’all apply this to a Biblical truth. I was just so touched by it that I had to share with you. Maybe, I should start working out, I will look even younger and next time, become my daughter’s sister. Who knows! I can get used to being young.
You have yourself a great day. Now, that I completed my children’s school registrations, I am going to get back to being almost 40 because I have to face reality.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Contractions without Birth
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always have too much month at the end my money. I feel like I’m in constant financial contractions with no birth in sight. And, yet the contractions continue to push stronger than ever. Sometimes, I try to remind myself that when the contractions are over, I’m going to receive this beautiful jewel. Sometimes, regardless of my positive declarations, I feel like the contractions will end up with a financial stillbirth. It is then that I feel alone and depressed. I could sleep for hours and the contractions continue to throb painfully through it all.
It is then that I cry out to my God for relief. And I am reminded that He is with me. He cares for me. He loves me. I will not be destroyed. I will not lose. I will not be disappointed as long as my hope is in Him. The contractions are there to keep my heart beating for Him. He is my God and Savior. He has promised me that when I pass through the waters, He will be with me. When I pass through the rivers they will not sweep over me. When I walk through the fire, I will not be burned (Isaiah 43:2).
Father, Your promises are true. You are faithful to all You have made. I give You glory and honor and praise. I place my hope in You. I know You hear my painful cries. I know You have not forgotten me. You are with me. You are I AM. I love You. Let these financial contractions be glorifying to You. Bless all my sisters in this world who are experiencing some kind of contractions today. Remind them that they are not alone, just as You have reminded me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
She Speaks or Not
Then, it was time to start the speeches. One by one they all went and spoke their prepared messages. I was so taken by them that I’ve forgotten mine. My mind fluttered around wondering how to begin my speech. I finally mustered enough courage to stand up and speak, second to the last. Needless to say, I didn’t meet my expectations. Many of the constructive comments I received, I knew. I was so nervous I kept on looking at my notes. One of the comment said, I should not read my notes so much, I already knew them. It was like God speaking to me.
Even though I didn’t strike lightening with my first speech, it was not my concern because that was not the main speech. So, I concentrated on working with my five minute speech. I dashed to my room and started to work on it. I couldn’t concentrate. I practiced. And I practiced. I couldn’t even get pass the first couple of words before I made a mistake. It frustrated me so much I decided to stop practicing and start praying.
Needless to say, God gave me a new speech for Saturday. I think I did well. It didn’t matter as much as I thought it would because His message to me was not how good I in speaking my message, but how willing I was to obey Him. God really spoke to me through this conference. From many weeks before the conference to the end of the conference, God was in the midst of it all. I felt the Holy Spirit’s presence all around me and through all those present. I am glad I obeyed and went to this conference. It changed my perspective on life.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
She Speaks, continued
“Can you get my shoes? They’re by the door,” I pointed toward the front door. My son got the shoes, I closed the door. I grabbed my shoes and my bags and squeezed myself through the crowded garage. I dropped one of my bags so I can open the garage door. Then, picked up my bag again, open the refrigerator in the garage, took a bottle of water and rushed to the car. “Where is my key? Aaawg, you crazy lady.” I ran back inside, pounded on the door again.
“What you forget now?” My daughter asked.
“I forgot my key,” I said as I paced back and forth from the door to the bedroom. Then I stuck my hand into my pocket and there it was. Finally, I left. I put everything in the car. I started the car, and you bet-I couldn’t find my insurance card. I searched all the bags I had with me, no insurance card. I took a deep breath, prayed and just sat there for ten minutes. I turned to look at the clock, and it was 12:10. So, I shifted the gear to reverse and drive. I was finally leaving, still thinking I was crazy. I didn’t know a soul.
On the Road
I prayed. I turned on the cd’s that I brought with me, but too restless to listen. I turned on the radio, but too many statics. So, I turned it off, continuing with prayers and practicing my speech to be presented in less than seven hours. As, I enter North Carolina, it started to rain-hard. “Okay, Lord, I know that you are good. I’m just going to trust that this is just a test and you are going to get me there safely. You know how much I do not like to drive in the rain,” I prayed and continued with positive mantras. And soon, the rain stopped. I was very confident by now. I was not even afraid to speak. So I thought.
At the Hotel
I arrived at the hotel in less time than the Google map estimated. Is this the hotel. Am I lost? I looked up at the post, and there it was, the She Speaks signs. “Lord, you are so good,” I cried out, feeling confident and joyous. I saw a few women carrying their bags and luggage into the hotel. Yes, I’ve found the hotel. Thank you, Lord. I am going to rock this weekend. I got out of the car carrying the three bags I had with me, I looked to the left, then to the right, okay I think I’m safe now. I walked to the doors where the posters were posted, and by this time I’ve forgotten about the speech because my focus was on registration process. That was until, I saw this lady standing in between the posts. Oh, my goodness, what are you doing here? This is for real. There are real people here. You think you’re going to pull this whole thing off? You’re—open the door you.
I opened the door and walked in. Signs were everywhere, so I walked up to the registration desk, I lined up at the line with the letter of my last name, but the girl on the other line next to it called me, so I walked over, announced my name and she couldn’t find my envelope. I was afraid this would happen. Lord, surely your goodness and joy follows me wherever I go. Help me now. I looked down on her sheet with the lists of names, I found my name and pointed it out to her. She picked up a pen and crossed it out. She was nervous. I was nervous. She turned around and asked another girl, then she looked over to the right and there it was my envelope laying on top of a thick binder. “There it is, what it it doing over here?” she asked. No one answered. They just give her the look. And, she handed me the envelope with the schedule book.
Eager to unload my bags, I took them from her and began to search for my room key. Well, there’s no key. How do they expect me to find my room without the key? And when do they give out the key. Feeling kinda stupid, I picked up my things and found a chair to sit down. I went through the envelope one more time and searched through the book to find direction on how to obtain my key to the hotel room. Nothing. I looked over to the next chair, and this lady with the She Speaks t-shirt was sitting smiling at me, “excuse me, where do I get my key for my room?”
She pointed to the long winded hallway, “You’ll have to go register over there.” I thanked her and gathered all my stuff and walked over. I registered and they told me my roommate has already arrived. They gave me my key and the directions to the hotel things and the elevators.
Finally, I arrived at the room. The housekeepers were just finishing up and rushed out of there because I told them that was my room. But, they told me my roommate is already here? How is it that they're still cleaning my room? I inserted my key in-no green light. That’s weird. I looked at my key enveloped, looked up at the door. Ooops! That’s the wrong room. Move over. So I moved over and opened the door. There was my roommate sitting at the sofa trying to rest.
“You must be (well, let’s call her ) Sandy,” I announced. “I’m Shoua.”
“Nice to meet you, Shoua,” she said as she reached out to shake my hand. I dropped my bags, walked around the room, inspecting everything.
“Wow! The room is so much bigger than I expected it. And, look, there’s kitchen sink. How nice!” I exclaimed. She was probably thinking I was shallow which I was, but too polite to show me. She just smiled. I poked my head into the bedroom, “Oh-?”
“There’s just one bed. Well, this is a fold out bed. So, I will sleep here,” she said with both of her palms on the sofa.
“Oh,-I can sleep on the sofa, there’s no problem. I’m a sofa girl.”
“So am I. I really don’t care either. I’ll just take the sofa. I brought my own pillows,” she insisted. She was very genuine and real nice. I sat and we talked and found out we had so many things in common, including our families. The Lord had answered my prayers and sent me the perfect roommate. She indicated that she was not much of a mingler, neither was I. But, this was her second year so she kind of knew her way around the conference pool. She stuck with me, so I wouldn’t feel out of place. I couldn’t have asked for a better roommate. She was perfect.
~to be continued~
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
She Speaks
Before the Conference
My heart was restless. My thoughts were cloudy. And my confidence was shaky. All the while, I couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong with me. Surely this is weird to be so clumsy. I was late to every appointment and forgot to pick up at least one item that I went to buy at the store. No, I’m not nervous about the conference. I’m just going to go and give two speeches for evaluations. It’s no big deal. It’s not like I’ve never spoken before. So, I thought.
Then, the letter came with confirmations of my reservations and the name of my roommate. Great! You mean, I don’t get my own room? I have to share room with someone else. I hope I don’t have to share the bed too. That’ll just be too weird. Oh, God, what if the sink is in an open room and I have to brush my teeth in front of her? That will just gross her out. I am going to become a total gross out freak. What if she is prejudice against Asians and she doesn’t converse with me? Okay, girl you are freaking me out. Stop it. Stop it. Just stop it. “Lord God, please help me. I pray that the hotel will have a closed up bathroom, that there will be two beds and not one.” Oh, maybe I should pray for my roommate to like me, too. “Lord, I pray that she will like me. Oh, please protect her while she travels to the conference, wherever she’s coming from.”
I hope she’s not my next door neighbor that I just happened not to know her name. Then, if she doesn’t like me, I won’t have to face her again.
The Day of the Conference
The Enterprise driver picked me up and we went to pick up two other persons. The first person was a man, so I didn’t talk much. The next person was a woman. She had pink on. Her luggages were pink, her purse was pink and her shoes (ooops! I don’t remember). Maybe, she’s going to She Speaks, too. I turned around to ask, “so where are you heading?”
“Charleston, to see my daughter,” she said.
Shoot! Too bad. I thought you were going to the She Speaks conference. You look nice enough to maybe even carpool. Then, maybe we can share the cost instead of going in individual cars. Who knows we could’ve been good friends, but too bad. I found out she was a grandma already. So, I turned around and told her she doesn’t look old enough to be a grandma.
On my way back from the rental car, I was about half a mile home and this terrifying thought came over my head; What if you came home and your house burned down and it swept your family members. And, you have no more children and no husband? What will you do? Then, I will have a stronger story to tell, I thought with tears in my eyes. Okay, now you are a total wreck. You’re letting your imagination run wild. “You stop it. My children and husband are under the Lord’s care. He will not let it happen because you can’t handle it. He is a good God.
Finally, I arrived home and my two little girls were dramatic about my leaving and so it became annoying to watch them hung on to me like I was going to drive off the cliff and never returned. You better take some pictures just in case the house does burn down and this is the last time you see them. So, I lined them all up on my couch and took their pictures. My son was upset and didn’t want his pictures taken, so he closed his eyes. I looked at the time and it was a little before 12:00pm. Ooops! I better go. “Okay, kids, hugs and kisses! I got to go.” I opened the door to the garage and realized I have no shoes and no key. I pounded on the door and started to speak Hmong real loud to get my children to open the door.
Sorry, but you’ll just have to wait. I have to take my daughter to help distribute fliers for the VBS. But if you return tomorrow, I’ll continue.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Busy Summer
Thank you for your support and encouragements. I know I've not written anything for the last several weeks. I've been busy with personal engagements, but I want you to know everything is well. The Lord has been good.
If you are reading this, perhaps God is directing you here to pray for me and my family. We are all well. Everyone is doing fine and healthy. However, I can use your help in praying for focus.
I promise you are not forgotten. I will come back and continue with our talk on Our Jealous God. For right now, I'm going on a tangent.
This weekend was a mix blessing. My husband has had gout for the last two weeks. So, he couldn't cut the grass. I decided that I was going to cut the grass so it won't look so scary. You know when your neighbors start to dump their coffee cups, napkins, and papers on your yard, you know it is time to cut the grass and trim the trees. So, I proceeded to cut the grass, but I couldn't get the motor running on the lawnmower nor the trimmer. Poor me, right. No poor my husband. He had to walk like a crab outside to get the lawnmower started. I finished cutting the grass and proceeded to trim the weeds, but couldn't get that started either.
After several times of trying to get it started, I prayed, "Lord, help me. I am trying to be a good and supportive wife. But, I can't if you don't help me right now, because I can't get this started. Please, don't make me go get him again. I was sweaty and thirsty and my children were urging me, "mom, that thing doesn't work anymore. Why don't you just go get dad."
"Leave me alone," I said as I turned and proceeded to pull the string one more time. My daughter came out and asked me if she could help me. "Go, get your dad!" I let out a desperate cry. Yes, the poor man came out and got it started the first try. He gave me a strange look that communicates, "It's so easy." I threw my hands up in the air and gave him the look, "yeah, I probably exhausted it enough it was going to cave in anyway." So, now the grass are cut and the weeds are trimmed.
I came inside to prepare dinner. As we were eating lunch, my children asked me what we would do after lunch. "We're going to trim the trees and bushes. Are you going to help me, Honey?" He nodded "yes".
Well, we got our old fashion tools and went outside to cut the trees. He didn't go far and had to go back inside. It was too much for him. So, I went to the front and started to trim the trees in the front yard. I just had lunch so I was not cranky or angry. But, as I was trimming, my neighbor came outside, "excuse me, I just cannot let you do that."
"What?" This is my yard, why are you prohibiting me to cut my own trees?
"I cannot let you cut those with that thing. I can't watch you. I got something better. Just wait a minute, I'll get it." A couple of minutes later, he came out with this long branch trimmer (that's my name for it. I don't know it's name), showed me how it worked. He went back home to eat his dinner and came back out about five minutes later with another tool. Thank goodness for good neighbors, my trees and bushes are nicely trimmed. God showed Himself as He promised in Psalm 34:15. His eyes were on me. He heard my cry for help and He sent my neighbor to lend me his tools . Praise Him and thank Him for His faithfulness.
God bless you all and I will write when I return from She Speaks!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Our Jealous God Part II
Lord, help us to understand Your truth and Your faithfulness to mankind. Deepen our knowledge and wisdom of Your character and Your purpose for our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I’ve been praying since I wrote the last lesson entitled: Our Jealous God. I wanted to understand more of how and why God became so angry with His chosen race. What stirred up His anger? He is after all the God of love and power. In the next several blogs, we are going to uncover the progression of man’s evil deeds.
Let us start with Adam and Eve. In chapter two of Genesis, we are told that God created Adam and gave him specific instructions to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Now, first of all He didn’t say that they could not eat from the tree of life. He said, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…” I highlighted the word “any” because I wanted you to see that that word includes the tree of life. They could’ve eaten from the tree of life and live forever, but instead, the enemy chose to tempt them with the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Why?
It was not an order of the Lord to not do. Had they chosen to eat from the tree of life, they would have lived forever and Satan couldn’t do a thing about it. So, he used the only thing he could to tempt Eve: the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which God specifically ordered to not eat. Notice who changed the wording of God’s command. All Satan did was added the word “not”. God said, “you are free to eat from any tree in the garden…” Satan (on ch. 3, v. 1) said, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’”. So, if you compare the two sentences, the only difference is the word “not”. And Satan was the one to add that word to it. Satan left everything else intact. How skillful of him. He caused her to doubt first, then to deny the truth.
The second thing I picked up on is how Eve responded: “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” Notice she didn’t specify which tree. God planted two trees in the middle of the garden. God ordered them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Of all the trees in the garden, the enemy chose to use the only forbidden tree to tempt Eve. She responded wavering with great desire to taste the fruit and gain knowledge and wisdom.
God gave them the whole kingdom of Eden. They were free to roam around the whole garden and eat whatever they pleased as long as they stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One command. Satan, in his subtlety, tempted them with the only thing God forbid them from doing. Satan caused them to doubt God’s goodness. Then he caused them to deny God’s truth, and finally to rebel against God. And, he has used the same method to this day; we continue to fail today. We bow down to the same temptation. It’s no wonder the author of Proverbs 31:30 said “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”. To honor God is to show Him respect and obedience.

Friday, May 2, 2008
Be Encouraged!
Just being away from writing and blog hopping for so long and facing some mild issues in my life has really brought me down and mellow today. Writing today has been very challenging to me. Like one lady said to me, I know the Bible and what it says, I know the principles of positive thinking, but for some reason I’ve just felt very sleepy and mellow. Today, I jumped from a couple of blogs to The messages are the same, Be Encouraged.
I listened to Kathy Troccoli sang. Ummmmh! What a song. It spoke to my heart. It blesses my heart to know that God is looking down on me. He knows my broken heart and crushed spirit. He’s very closed by and He’s working on bringing me happiness and joy and peace. I’ll let you listen to Kathy’s song and meditate on the scripture above. I will be back to post more. Now I have to go and debug myself. I think it's because I've not opened my window curtain nor drink my tea today. I'm not sure. God sure is good. Enjoy the song.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Abigail's Speech
I’ve been following Rachel Olsen’s Bible study lessons on women of the Bible. I’m always in awe of the roles God called women to play, especially Abigail’s. Go here to read Rachel’s comments:
Since Rachel has done a wonderful job of presenting the overview of the life of Abigail, I want to focus on her speech. I’m intrigued with her speech. So, let’s take it verse by verse.
As soon as Abigail saw David, she wasted no time; she, humbly and quickly, got down with her face to the ground. She fell at his feet and began her speech: “On me, my lord, on me let this iniquity be!” (vv. 23-24 NKJV). She was saying, let me take the blame. Now, if you read the verse before, you notice that David was murmuring to his fellow soldiers about how angry he was that Nabal had shown disrespect to him. So, I’m sure Abigail, in her wisdom, noticed the tension David was in-the anger on his face. She humbly dismounted and fell face down to the ground. Immediately pleaded for mercy, putting her life on the line.
So, first she said, let me take the blame alone. Next, she said, allow me-your servant-to speak to you. Hear what I have to say. She didn’t pause, she didn’t stop, immediately went on her next task which was to address Nabal’s foolishness (v.25). She said, “may my lord pay no attention to that wicked man Nabal. He is just like his name—his name is Fool, and folly goes with him. But as for me, your servant, I did not see the men my master sent.” So humble and bold. What she was saying was Nabal was foolish. He was living up to his name. Had Abigail seen the men David sent, they would not have returned to him emptied.
Then, she wasted no time to tell David of his benefits (v.26). God has kept David from bloodshed; anyone who would have fought him would become foolish like Nabal. She addressed two parts on this verse: 1) she said God has kept David from bloodshed. How? Well, she came to him before he reached her home. I’m sure it took time for her to bake all those breads and prepared all those gifts. David, on the other hand, had wasted no time to organize his soldiers for the battle. So, does it take more time to bake or to organize the troop? She packed “200 loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five dressed sheep, five seahs of roasted grain, 100 cakes of raisins, and 200 hundred cakes of pressed figs” (v.18). Just to count the things she brought, took time, and to bake it? Well, I’ll let you do the math. She knew David was smart enough to figure out that it was God who brought her to him before he reached her home. 2) She said, since God saved David from bloodshed, not having to avenge his own life, let anyone who was to fight with him become foolish like Nabal. What she was really saying was that Nabal was foolish, but David was wise because God favored him.
Verse 27, Abigail offered David her gifts and asked him to distribute among his followers. She was, in her own wise ways, telling David she brought enough for his whole army.
Verse 28, she once again asked for his mercy not because she deserved it but because God favored David to fight His battle. From verse 28 to 29, she prophetically spoke of God’s provision and protection of him and establishing his future reign as king of Israel. She said that he would be securely bound in “bundle of the living by the Lord”. “Bundle”-when I think of bundles I think of many things in one package or deal. Like Time Warner’s cable bundle: you get t.v., internet, and phone for one low monthly price-David would be blessed with many good things as he abided with God: he ended up as king of Israel, Abigail as his wife, and a promise to have his descendents never to descend from the thrown of Israel.
And, anyone who wished to destroy him would be hurled away. He was guaranteed to be safe because he was fighting the Lord’s battle. In verses 30 & 31, she said when God has blessed him with all good things he will have peace knowing that he didn’t kill Nabal, as he reigned over Israel: “my master will not have on his conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed or of having avenged himself…”
Finally, she asked him: “And when the Lord has brought my master success, remember your servant” (v.31b). She gave him one of the most profound and bold speeches of all time. Then, she boldly and humbly asked him to remember her when he became successful.
She’s the only woman recorded for making the longest female speech in the Old Testament. Her speech changed David’s heart of pursuit for Nabal. She overcame his anger with benefits of peace and God’s provision and protection of him and his life as her master and king of Israel. Throughout her speech, she consistently addressed him as her master and herself as his servant. She elegantly crafted her speech to create a sense of intelligence and honor for David in such a way that has turned his heat of anger into peace and calmness. He accepted her gifts and her speech and promised to fulfill her request.
As a woman who desires to show God a fearful heart, I’m in awe of Abigail’s wisdom. She had a discerning heart. God blessed her: He took Nabal away from her and replaced him with David as her husband. She went from living in an abused relationship to living in an honorable one. She became one of the most blessed queens in Biblical time. Her life presented an example of God’s blessing for women who persevere through difficult relationships. I’ve been encouraged by her strength and blessings. I hope you have, too.
For more discussions of Abigail, please visit Rachel’s blog.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Where you Lead Me I will Follow by Mercy Me
Monday, April 14, 2008
Intriguing video
Monday, March 31, 2008
Our Jealous God
When I do my devotions in the mornings, I usually look for a special positive verse that would encourage me throughout the day. However, this morning I was reading through Jeremiah 21, and well, it is one of those “doom and gloom” chapters of the Old Testaments where it is hard to draw in for an encouragement, at least for me. But, the Lord has pressed upon my heart to trust Him and write down verse 5. After, I’ve done a couple of cross referencing, I became interested because I was as confused as can be. So, I called my husband over and asked him why I’ve always believed that God would never harm His children and yet this verse strongly stated that He would fight against the nation of Israel with His outstretched hand.
“Well, He disciplined them because He loved them?” he said without hesitation, and left the room.
Well, that was easy for him to say. He’s a minister. He studied the Bible. And, isn’t that what ministers usually say anyway. You know, stay positive. Support God and you can’t go wrong. I shook my head and read on more verses. I found myself praying this prayer: "Lord, thank You so much for taking such great interest in me, that You would go to such great lengths to save me from destructions. In Jesus’ name, Amen. "
I was stunned. That was my message. God loves me so much, He would do whatever it takes to bring me back to Him. Even if He has to cause me to feel pain and loss in order to bring me back to Him. After all, the Bible does say God is a jealous God.
This reminded me of a time when I wondered whether my husband loved me. He certainly didn’t show any envy or affection. And, when I asked him why he was so confident I wasn’t going to do him no harm that he would not show any sign of jealousy like other men. His response was I was in the hand of God. If I didn’t fear God and I do wrong I would be the one having to deal with God. Although I agreed with him, I still wondered if he loved me at all because there was no sign of jealousy in our relationship, at least on his side.
Unlike my husband, God doesn’t want us to wonder if He loves us at all. That’s why the Bible clearly states that Our God is a jealous God. He wants our affections and devotions. He wants our total attention, total reverence to Him, and total love for Him. Therefore, He urges us to stay focused on the cross so we won’t go astray. I am so glad God has made me realize just how much He loves me by showing me Jeremiah 21:5. He went as far as sacrificing His own Son for me (and you) so that I can live to share with y’all this little message today. Isn’t that awesome?
Father God, You are always awesome, always mighty, always loving, always merciful and compassionate. Thank You for loving us and sharing Your heart with us today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Grief I’ve Caused
My son’s teacher emailed me his progress report, I was struck dumb. I didn’t know how I should react to this. He’s normally an “A” student and not having any trouble doing his homework or his tests. So, to receive this kind of report was troubling for me. I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know what to do, so I prayed. I knew that anger was not going to resolve it. Neither would punishment. So, I was thinking about rewarding him, should he choose to make up some of his missed assignments; And, if he so choose to not make them up, I would punishment him by taking away his video games.
So, I was anxious for him to come home because I was cooking up a reward, I knew he would love-I would let him spend the night with his friend and buy him a new game. When he came home, I asked him about his grades, he was upset but said that he had already written the essay and was waiting for me to let him on the computer so he could type it. It was music to my ears. I asked to see the essay. After several minutes of demanding on my part and fumbling on his, he finally handed over the handwritten essay.
I turned on the computer and let him type it. Then, he asked me to proofread it. I did and had problem with a few areas of the essay. To me, it was a contradicting essay. Now, before you start throwing stones at me, let me tell you why: this son of mine is very smart. An “A” average student writing a supposed to be persuasive essay. His sentences made perfect sense, remember he’s the one correcting my grammar here. But, his essay was not persuasive enough for me.
However, he was determined to keep the essay as it was and not willing to change according to the few suggestions I’ve made. Therefore, I’ve resorted to tell him I was going to reward him if he completed the essay and turned it in. And he said, “With what, a day off doing dishes?”
I was mad. Had my son think so little of me that he would say such demeaning thing to me? Tears streaming down my cheeks, I turned my head up to heaven, and said, “Lord, don’t let these tears fall on my son.”
As I thought more and more of this account, the Lord revealed a troubling truth to me: over the history of my life, the Lord has stated how much I was worth to Him and how He longs to reward me with unimaginable rewards. And, had I asked Him, “With what?” What a heart-wrenching statement! How degrading of His authority and provision over me!
His love for us is deep and wide: when he made us, He said that we were fearfully and wonderfully made. He gave careful thought to the form of our image and frame; to create our skinning, just right, or big butt, big eyes with long lashes or skimpy eyes with no lashes, skinny legs, etc. To Him, we are His creative arts. Thus, each time we cried out to Him how unfair that we are made to be the way we are with no talent or too many talents we don’t know what to do with them, we cause Him to grief. God wants us to appreciate our long or short noses. He wants us to understand we are His creative arts and for special reasons.
He’s waiting for us to accept ourselves where we are and allow Him to finish us, His pieces of arts, so that we can be these wonderful individuals that we were meant to be and able to receive His rewards. His rewards are bigger than our eyes can see, louder than our ears can bear, and deeper than our minds can conceive. How long then will we cause Him to cry by feeling ashamed of our frames, denying our existence, and defeating His purpose through us by degrading His art? To fear Him is to show our appreciations for His art.
Lord, thank You for this wonderful body of mine. Thank You for this gift of spirit and talent You placed in this body. Forgive me for all of my past behaviors toward Your master plan in the creation of me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Speed Bumps
I hate to admit that the speed bumps were there for the children’s safety more than anything. If my child was walking along that road and a car was driving by 35-40 miles per hour, who knows what could have happened. Also, it keeps the cars from bumping into one another. The speed bumps were there for our own good. But, I still didn’t want to drive over them, knowing that I dread every bump. Yes, I did say every bump. I couldn’t wait to get out of that section of the road.
Just as speed bumps are there to slow us down so we would not bump into the people ahead or hit children who walked alongside, our speed bumps in life are there for a reason. Sadly, unlike speed bumps on school grounds, our life speed bumps rarely share common grounds or benefits. However the benefit of them always mean positive. Whew!
A man in the Bible was going through one of his speed bumps. The disciples noticed his speed bump was that he was blind from birth. They questioned Jesus, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2)
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life” (John 9:3).
Like us, the disciples immediately find someone to place the cause for the man’s speed bump-blindness. I suppose they want to understand why it was such a high one and who is to be blamed. But, Jesus clearly stated that he blind so that God’s work may be displayed in his life.
What speed bump(s) are you going through right now? How high? Do you think that God is using you to display His work? Or do you think you’ve done something wrong and God is punishing you for your sin?
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Worry? (from: All Things Are Possible Through Prayer by Charles L. Allen)
It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you.
It gives you indigestion and sleepless hours at night
And fills with gloom the days, however fair and bright.
It puts a frown upon the face, and sharpness to the tone
We’re unfit to live with others and unfit to live alone.
Worry? Why worry? What can worry do?
It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you.
Pray? Why pray? What can praying do?
Praying really changes things, arranges life anew.
It’s good for your digestion, gives peaceful sleep at night
And fills the grayest, gloomiest day—with rays of glowing light.
It puts a smile upon your face, the love not in your tone
Makes you fit to live with others, and fit to live alone.
Pray? Why pray? What can praying do?
It brings God down from heaven, to live and work with you.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Honoring God through True Ministry
As a teen, I’ve always wanted to be a missionary. But, when my mother disapproved of my going to a Christian college and going to the mission field, my dreamed quickly became dashed. I was disappointed. Nothing meant serving God except to become a missionary. I wanted to remain single so I can go to the Ivory Coast as a missionary. In fact, I took French all four years in high school and two years in college, but when my mother took the “drastic measures” to stop me, I quickly resent all services as possible avenues to glorify God.
Yes, I know that is quite sad.
But as I grew older, I’ve come to realize that true ministry doesn’t have to come in big ways. It doesn’t even have to be recognized by any human beings. True ministry comes from the heart. True ministry can be as simple as:
Collecting can goods for charities.
Driving someone to the store, doctor, or to visit a relative.
Raising a family.
Cooking meals for families in crisis
Visiting someone in the hospital
These are just some samples. There are dozens upon dozens of ministry around your own neighborhood. I know of a couple who would loan their cars to members of the church who may have car difficulties. They also loan mattresses-the people may use them as long as needed, but when they don’t need it, this couple would take them back, put them in their attic until someone else needs it.
Another couple takes under-privileged children out for entertainments. Sometimes, they take them to their house and order pizza. Sometimes, they take them to YMCA, or the movies. But, they’re always taking someone’s child some place.
Another lady in our church hosts baby showers at her house for women from work and church alike.
The above may not be possible for you to do right now, but what about a smile? I remember one day I went to the grocery store. I was feeling pretty crummy, but the cashier made me so happy by just smiling and carrying on with a cheerful look. I wanted to ask her why she was so happy, but I thought I knew the answer so I didn’t ask. Then, later I found out that her son had been at the hospital. She was working two jobs and going to nursing school just to keep her son well-cared for. Yet, she remained cheerful and passed on that smile you cannot resist to reciprocate.
Having seen all of these different ministries, I’ve come to realize that there’s only one size for ministry-love. If I have love for God, I’ll want to do anything that pleases God. It wouldn’t matter whether anyone recognizes it. But, if I do it from the heart, people will recognize it. Who knows, maybe people will even miss me when I die-just like those widows missed Dorcas. Perhaps, I’ll hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I apologize for all the trouble this site is causing. I diligently and individually linked your links to the post: A Woman of Noble Character: The Key. But, as I've tested over the week, I've found that some of them got overlapped. I do not know how this happened. As I tried to visit your sites through those links, they took me to strange sites I'm not familiar with-not bad sites, actually very informative and Christians. I do not know how this happened. I've tried to fix it but continues to become a problem. Therefore, I am going to take some time later to list them on the blogroll instead. It will take time and will not happen all at once.
I do want you all to know that I've missed reading your blogs especially those of you who are running series. So, this is serious to me.
Please, do pray for my computer and websites. There has been many challenges. I have a feeling I'm not really fighting with the computer or the www. This is a spiritual warfare. Eventhough I know that no weapon forged against me will prevail, it is mind boggling and time consuming-and I'm sure he's enjoying this as well. God is good. I am an overcomer through His love and strength.
God bless you all!
Monday, February 25, 2008
A Woman of Noble Character's Privileges
As I was reading some of the answers to the questions concerning the She Speaks Conference, written by Proverbs 31 Speakers & Authors, I found myself filled with tears, because God was speaking to me through their written words. I was filled with an overwhelming sense of love from my Father. He was saying, “I will love you until you return home to me.” It doesn’t matter what my circumstances are, He has already made up His mind that He loves me, just for me. After all, He did choose to make me the way I am.
He was saying to me that He rejoices over me just as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride. He loves me for me. He enjoys being in my presence. He enjoys protecting and providing for me. That is so reassuring. And, He does prove His love to me all the time: All of the wonderful comments you, my readers, left on my blog are so encouraging to me. All of the extra food my family received since December 2007 are overwhelming us with the pride of His love. And, since then, we’ve received a brand new washer and a brand new stove. We received all of these gifts, not because we deserve it, but because He was simply demonstrating His joy and love to and over us. Let His name be glorified.
Growing up, we never had very much. My father was an opium addict, very laid back, not very much help to my mother. He passed away two weeks before I was born. I never knew him. I have never experienced what a father’s love or hate was like. My mother did remarry, but even then my step-sister never allowed me to call my step-father, “father.” And, I never knew him, because he was serving in the Vietnam War so he was rarely home. If he was, I couldn’t remember. He, too, died. My mother was left to raise us on her own. We were always provided for, but never have plenty. Always just barely getting by. And, people looked down on us.
As a result, I hated taking hand outs. I felt so ashamed every time someone gave me something. I hated asking for help. I would rather persevere my circumstances: being in rags and nutritionally deficient before I asked for help. So, when my dear friend found out how I felt, she told me (lovingly) that I was robbing people’s joy of giving to me; that I was taking away their chances of serving and obeying God. Of course, my insecurities made me feel worse knowing it. Still, I remained shameful of my circumstances. I just couldn’t let go. I prayed to God to release me of this being financially insufficient all the time. But, each time I said a prayer like that, He handed me a gift through someone else. And, I just couldn’t understand because I never viewed my circumstances as privileges of suffering along with Christ. Instead, I felt unloved, unappreciated, and worthless.
I failed to understand that our lives are much like characters in a play: Each character has its own function and purpose. No matter how small the part is, it is needed to make the purpose of the other characters come alive. As God assigns a role to us, we have a choice of serving with a joyful heart or view it as a burden to bear. When we view it as a privilege of service, we tend to handle it with peace and joy, and God rejoices over us. Whereas, when we view it as a burden, we hold grudges and play pity party, and lose the joy of seeing our Father’s love for us-not that He doesn’t love us, but that we are blinded by our perspective of things.
Our circumstances are privileges to allow Him to demonstrate His Love, Mercy and Sovereignty. Our circumstances are temporary. They will not last. As we learn to accept them as privileges of service to bring His Name glory and honor, He rejoices over us. Thus, a woman of noble character learns to enjoy life no matter what her circumstances are, because she knows God rejoices over her.
My dear friends, God chooses to rejoice over you. Will you choose to see your circumstances as privileges to serve Him and allow His Name to be glorify? May God bless you and rejoice over you.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Woman of Noble Character: The Key
But, I am still happy! Yep! It’s Valentine’s Day! And, I actually stuck to my Valentine’s Day dedications: it is important to me because I am a new person. I’ve found the key to happiness. In the past, if you asked me what I would do for Valentine’s Day or any holiday for that matter, I would say “nothing, I have no money.” Well, today, I don’t need money to make me happy. It’s not that I don’t need money; it’s just that I don’t need money to make Valentine’s Day a happy day for me.
God has given me a new beginning since 2007. Granted I have my ups and downs, but I am generally happier today than I was a couple of years ago. Then, it was all about me: what I wanted, needed, and had to have. It was about my bills. It was about the children taking too much of my time. It was about a husband who couldn’t meet my expectations. It was about not having enough work. It was about ___________. It was about everything that revolved around me and my happiness. Everything came back to m-e.
Then, Christmas 2006, I was involved in network marketing and a video/book was passed down to me. I paid $5 to watch it online. Then it was too “awesome” so I bought four of them, one for each of my downline supervisors and one for me. But, as I re-watched the video and passed it around to others, a thought was provoked deep within me-I am not the source of my happiness. God is the source. I am not the designer of my future. God is designer of my life. While their god/source can be the universe, genie, Buddha or whatever they believe to be their god, mine is God the Almighty. The key to all is God.
So, I began to search for truth to back me up against the subtle lies of this video. And, the more I searched, the more He showed Himself. He led me through the book of Hebrews.
These were the words that jumped out at me.
Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it…Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are ---yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:1, 14-16).
These words were so firm, so strong, yet so sweet and loving. God’s promise for us to enter His rest still stands. He’s still offering it to me. All I got to do was take it. Take His promise; accept the fact that He loves me because He chose to. The key to our happiness is to accept His free gift of love. Therefore, I should not be afraid to go to Him and place my requests at His feet, allowing Him to grant them. Oh, how sweet it is to follow Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for my sin. Jesus paid it in full. All of my past and present hurts and pain, shame and grief, He paid it all. And, He’s extending the invitation to enter into His rest. Aaaaah, rest. True rest. What better way to develop a noble character than to enter His true rest. The Key is God.
Because Christ is our high priest, I needed to hold on to the faith I profess for years. It was never about me. It was about God: His purpose and His will for my life. Since He is greater than Moses in the order of Melchizedek. Well, I’m not a Bible Scholar, but according to the Bible, Melchizedek happens to be the outstanding high priest of all time, appointed by God. Christ surpasses all of the high priests. He was perfect, yet He bore my sins so I can enter His rest: The Key to peace. He said, “Hey, I know what is like to face your situation, I experienced it.” Christ understands my pain, my shame, and my grief.
And, He calls for me, and you, to come to Him with confidence. After all, He is the Son of the Great I am: I AM whatever you need. I am the Key. The door is open. The invitation is being extended. All you and I got to do is approach His throne of grace with confidence-believe, have faith in Him to provide us with whatever we ask for. Most importantly, believe that He will provide-He will answer our prayers. Isn’t that awesome? Finally, I understood what people mean when they say, “God is good.” God is good, indeed.
So, I pondered on. I continued to search more. I bought more books, read more passages. I took out all of my husband’s Study Bibles. I read them. I bought one for myself. The more I read, the more I wanted to know. There has never been such a hunger for the truth-all because of one such video that promises to be the key to whatever you want. It caused me to say, “I don’t think so, but I know One who can deliver all that and more.” And, I have to say, thanks be to God for rescuing me from that video and numerous other lies that the enemy tries to press upon me. God is the only Key that matters. And, so He is my Valentine. Happy LOVE day, my Lord.
Now, I also want to extend my Valentine dedications to my blogging friends.
These are ones I visit often and ones in awhile I see their comments on my blog (they are busy ladies):
Renee Swope
MaryBeth Whalen
Lysa Terkeurst
Rachel Olsen
These are ones I visit and they have visit me with great encouragements (not in any particular order):
Dawn Ward
amy l brooke
tina vega
Rachel –in Europe
Lauren at faith fuel
Lelia Chealey
Mac @ (this young man is the first visitor. Great guy. His mom must be happy to have such an awesome young man).
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you, for your thoughtfulness and encouragements while visiting my site. God bless you.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Valentine Dedications: Hubby
Yes, we don't understand how we last. We couldn't be any more different and yet God kept us together for His glory, His purpose in which He designed for us, yet to be revealed. I am thankful for my husband. His patience has taught me a great deal about God's love. He is my Valentine through and through. God bless you, Honey.
Valentine Dedications: Oldest-my right hand
She helps me to stay focus on my task. She's a momma's girl. I pray the Lord will send her a good Christian girl friend soon. Although I enjoy hanging around her, I want her to experience that good girl friends ways of doing things.
Yes, she loves electronic gadgets. This was Christmas 2005 (?). She has more electronic gadgets than I've had all my life, except a computer. She asked for this little thing here for over a year. I finally bought it for her, then she played with-oh I think twice. Right now she has no clue where it is-I told you she is expensive.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Valentine Dedications: Gaosoua & Elishua
That's funny, because they happen to be rivals. They seem to be at each other's throat all the time. One of them always start something. If one or both of them are not home, my home is quiet and peaceful. But, when both of them are home, it's "Mom!..." in constant shingles. I've learned to be calm and teach them what they should know. We're getting somewhere.
She's my bookkeeper. She acts as though she doesn't pay attention, but when one of the family members is not present, she's the first to notice. Because of her, Tabitha is alive today-we've forgotten that Tabitha was in the car on one hot July Sunday afternoon-she kept on asking where the baby was and she didn't give up when I told her to go away so I could cook. She finally got our attention and we realized that Tabitha was still in the car. Without Gaosoua's love for her sister, we would have lost Tabitha, gone to jail and leave the four of them parentless.
I always teased her that she's a Mexican girl, got switched at birth, because she's very pretty and has a high nose bridge. But, she knows that she's mine-forever will be. She's very loving and kind. She likes to dance and do gymnastics; she's got the body.
When she was a year and a half, I sent her on a long trip to see my mother for her birthday. Ever since then, she's been very attached to me, constantly on the look-out for me, making sure I don't leave her. But, then again, she is the family bookkeeper. When everyone is around, she competes for the attention, but when she's alone with me, she's very quiet.
He smiles all the time. In fact, when he was in first grade, or was it kindergarten, one of the parents called me and asked if I would allow him to go over and play with her son because he made her son happy with his smiles. They still send him Christmas presents after 5 years of being apart. And, he loves to make his big sister laugh, especially when she's mad. He is a silly kid.
Although, he's small physically, mentally he's very smart. He corrects me with my English. He opens locks that I can't open. He's electronically advanced; He fixed my VCR/DVD player. He's very good with his hands. He likes to draw. He's already selling his artwork at school. I wish I have his permission to put his video clip up for you to see. That would definitely put a smile on your face, but since I don't have his permission and he's pretty particular about it, you'll just have to believe me.
For the unspeakable qualities as well as the ones mentioned above, they are definitely my Valentine. And, I love them. Happy Valentine's Day, Elishua & Gaosoua!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Valentine's Day Dedication: Jamin

When I asked him what this means. He said, "X-out of this house." I'm not sure about this boy, but he sure knows a lot of moves I don't have a clue about.
One of the moves he made was when he was in 4-year kindergarten. Towards the middle of the school year, I noticed that he was saying the "f" word a lot. I asked him who taught him that, he said, "myself." I kept on telling him and asking him to stop using the word, but he couldn't. I washed his mouth with detergent soap (of course, I used a clean sponge). Then, when visitation day came, his teacher came over to our house and I shared with her. She said he may have picked it up from his classmate who exploded in the middle of lunch-time. Thank goodness, it was just a phase.
This is a shirt he will not let me get rid of. He can barely put it on his head, it is so small, it will probably fit his little sister. But he sure loves it a lot.
Jamin has a special talent: he loves to tell stories and act them out. He's very active and can hardly sit still. He's always doing something. Last October, his cousins came over to spend a week with us and we had devotion and prayer for one of the night, but there were eight kids, so he was getting restless. He got up and started to do his Power Ranger moves. I thought he was not listening, but each time I asked questions related to the passages we read, he gave the answers correctly. We were all amazed how well he was listening while those who were sitting still couldn't answer the questions.
Jamin is special to us: he was our last child (as we planned anyway). So, we wanted him to bare an unusual name out of the Bible. Every name that we've planned to name him had been given to my husband's relatives. So, we chose Jamin. It was short, cute and meaningful. Jamin is the son of Simeon and through him the Jaminite clan was formed. Jamin, a different one was one of the first Israelite to return to Jerusalem after their captivity by Babylon. And, I had just recently learned from one of the Bible Students at Columbia International University that his name means, "right hand man". Isn't that something? He is an awesome kid.
Several months ago, he saw me copying some Bible verses down and he said, "mom, you're not supposed to copy books."
I was taken by his seriousness, so I asked, "Why not?"
"Because, God wouldn't like that," he said.
"Actually, God loves it when we spend time reading and writing His words down, because that shows that we listen to Him."
"Uh. Can I do that, too?" he asked.
"Yes, what story would you like to read first?"
"Daniel and the lion," he replied.
And for the next several weeks we spend time going from one story to another. But, it was music to my ears to know that he loves to read the Bible.
Well, here are my prince and princess. Sleepy heads-long trip. Just like all siblings, they fight and play together, and when they are tired, they learn to lean on one another for support. If only we can be as forgiving as they are: Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it" (Mark 10:15). Children don't hold grudges the way we do. They don't remind us everyday of the things we do wrong. Instead, they show us love, bring us flowers, give us hugs, and thank us for loving them back. That's why we should imitate our children's actions and behaviors when it comes to learning and accepting the Word of God.
Jamin has demonstrated countless times of love and forgiveness for me. He's joyful and kind, thoughful and compassionate. That's why he's my Valentine.